Monday, July 18, 2011

Beach Eats

Ben and I had such an amazing week on LBI with my family, and before we knew it, it was the weekend and Dan was there too! My Aunt Eileen even came Saturday, and we all had such a nice evening. As part of dinner, we tried a new twist on pasta salad....chickpea salad! It was delicious. And super easy.

Chickpeas (we used 2 cans)
kalamata olives
fresh basil (from Dad's garden, yum!)
grape tomatoes
Olive oil & Red wine vinegar (equal parts...we used 1/4 cup of each)
Optional: artichoke hearts, kidney beans, pasta, feta...really anything you like!

Mix everything together, and well that's it. Let the salad sit in the dressing for a bit. It was even more delicious as leftovers the next day.

Source: Got this recipe from Harper's Happenings...great blog HERE


Michele said...

This looks so yummy! Love chickpeas :)
Your blog is really cute, especially the title! If you haven't tried it yet, try Earth Balance buttery spread (I saw you love butter^) It's really good, we don't miss butter at all. Unfortunately cheese is much harder. Haven't found a good sub for that yet. We just use real cheese every once in a while for a treat instead of trying to force down the fake stuff.
Anyway, every little bit helps! Good luck to you :)

Lisa said...

Thanks! I just used some of the Vegan cheese slices yesterday...they didn't even melt or anything. I had been using Veggie slices but then read yesterday they contain frustrating! I think I might have cheese once in a while too :) Oh...I hate tofu too!!

VegWhoHatesTofu said...

This looks so yummy! Love chickpeas :)
Your blog is really cute, especially the title! If you haven't tried it yet, try Earth Balance buttery spread (I saw you love butter^) It's really good, we don't miss butter at all. Unfortunately cheese is much harder. Haven't found a good sub for that yet. We just use real cheese every once in a while for a treat instead of trying to force down the fake stuff.
Anyway, every little bit helps! Good luck to you :)