Friday, August 19, 2011

Mock Chicken Salad with Vegenaise

This is genius. I can't believe I never knew about this before! I bought Vegenaise and have been really excited to try it out (and also really nervous). Then on Rachel Ray the other day, Gwyneth & Rachel are discussing their love for Vegenaise, even though neither of them are vegan. That made me really excited to try it! But, the problem - what to try it with? I am not eating tuna, or turkey...what else do you put mayo on?

Then I came across this recipe for "Mock Chicken Salad". Basically you just mash chickpeas and add vegenaise and it's delicious! I tried out 2 types - some with relish and then with kalamata olives. The relish won by a mile! It's amazing! I just threw on a roll, and I felt like I was eating chicken salad. Enjoy!!

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