After reading some blog entries on raw pasta, I decided to purchase a
veggie slicer...I needed to get in on the spiralizing action! It came today, and Dan and I tried out some zucchini pasta & marinara sauce, along with some random potatoes. The potatoes were so delicious, but they came out of the oven the most hideous bunch of thin curly no pictures. We actually set the fire alarm off - luckily Ben slept straight through!
Back to the raw-some pasta meal! Anyway, the spiralizer was very fun - the zucchini took about 1 minute to make.
The marinara sauce was interesting. I found it to be a bit sun-dried tomato-y, but Dan loved it. I might have added too much garlic also. Who knows. I might tweak it next time or find another raw marinara to experiement with. Or *gasp* just use some jarred sauce.
Raw Tomato Sauce
Hallelujah Acres
•4 tomatoes (cut 3-1/2 into quarters for blending, dice and keep 1/2 for adding after blending)
•1 Tbsp olive oil
•1 clove garlic
•1/4 tsp unrefined sea salt
•1/4 cup fresh basil leaves (add other Italian-style spices if desired)
•Handful of sun-dried tomatoes (use more for a thicker sauce)
1.Blend all ingredients (except diced tomato) in a high speed blender until creamy.
2.Pour into a bowl and add diced tomato. Hand-mix well.
3.Serve chilled with pasta, or use as a pizza sauce or appetizer dip.
Overall, our first meal with the Spirooli was a success! Very happy with the outcome and how easy it was to use.